Huwebes, Pebrero 28, 2013

My Posts

                               The Loving Parents
           In this world " So rare to find a loving parents because loving parents is so much loving to their own children, they wishes nothing but the best of their siblings. And they generously sustain our needs as well as our wants".

           They molded and discipline as to be a better a person but the other children disobey and speak bad words to them.They don't know that if they have no parents no one will take care for them, who will gave food and water and all the things that us children basically need.Nowadays, children like us doesn't even think nor realize the goodness and suffering of our mother and father just to face the struggles which god lists down to challenge our unity and love towards our difficult life and that is really our parents. They are more teenagers where are now into gangs, peers (who goes everywhere without asking permission to their parents) nor groups that can lead to drug addiction and others and the worst is to become a premarital pregnancy one.

             Oh!!! children of god....let us all realize and be opened for what our parents tribute to us.. 
As an advice, let us all have a time to have bonding with our family so that the warm love and hand-to-hand strength will always be our thy presence.
              And as exchange to the parents, let us love them because without them there are no children like us STANDING STILL and STILL FIGHTING for our lives on this world.